KONNECT ASEAN Embrace Unity In Diversity

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KONNECT ASEAN celebrates Southeast Asian and Korean artists using different platforms (exhibitions, education and conferences, public programmes, residencies, and publications and archives) to explore and discuss social, political, economic, and environmental issues in the region. Artists’ works and programme activities engage and strengthen the public’s understanding of ASEAN’s role in facilitating cultural diplomacy.

Furthermore, the programme intends to connect with the three major stakeholder groups of governments, the private sector, and civil society to achieve the vision of an ASEAN Community.

KONNECT ASEAN addresses the Strategic Plan for Culture and Arts 2016-2025 of the Senior Officials Meeting on Culture and Arts (SOMCA) by encouraging a multi-stakeholder approach in promoting an ASEAN mind-set and identity to increase the appreciation for ASEAN’s histories, arts, traditions and values. Concurrently, KONNECT ASEAN addresses the work plan of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Plan of Action, 2016-2020 by promoting cooperation in the area of culture and the arts.

Project outcomes provide permanent resources recording why ASEAN matters and its ongoing contribution to the region’s growth, prosperity, and stability.

Director's Message

konnect transparent
Dr Piti Srisangnam

Dr Piti Srisangnam
Executive Director
ASEAN Foundation

    KONNECT ASEAN heralds a new era for cultural diplomacy and regional integration. As a key driver of Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy to build mutual trust and friendship between future generations, KONNECT ASEAN employs diverse cultural and people-to-people exchanges to strengthen regional solidarity.

    Artists and artworks connect us in tangible and dynamic ways to the world, advancing diplomatic efforts, building deep connections, mutual understanding, and goodwill that builds the resilient communities underpinning our future prosperity. Cultural diplomacy initiatives are key for us to draw ourselves out of the isolation caused by COVID-19 and reconnect. Now is the time for us to come together and encourage dialogue amongst our myriad ethnicities, religions, and cultures to build a better world for the future.

Our Projects

Launched in 2020, KONNECT ASEAN has since realised dozens of projects across the region...

Proposal ComponentActivitiesLink
ExhibitionsASEAN On Paper
ExhibitionsArtwork Handover Ceremony and Exhibition
ResidenciesKONNECT ASEAN Artists Residency Programme
ExhibitionsNothing Is Forever
ExhibitionsTo A Faraway Friend
Publications & ArchivesASEAN-ROK Arts Policy Workshop
Education & ConferencesExternal Assessment Summer School
ExhibitionsHacking Domesticity
ResidenciesChiang Mai Print Residency
ExhibitionsCast But One Shadow
Education & ConferencesClimate Futures #1: Cultures, Climate Crisis and Disappearing Ecologies
ExhibitionsStories Across Rising Lands
Publications & ArchivesASEAN Sculpture Garden Project
ExhibitionsIn Our Best Interests
Public ProgrammesThird Date
Education & ConferencesRes Artis Conference 2021
Publications & ArchivesAugust Gathering
Public ProgrammesKONNECT ASEAN Cultural Diplomacy Forum
Public ProgrammesAfro-Southeast Asia: Pragmatics and Geopoetics of Art During a Cold War
Publications & ArchivesFresh Take
ResidenciesVirtual360 KONNECT Emerging Arts Leaders Virtual Residency Series
Public ProgrammesKONNECT ASEAN Creative Futures Dialogue
Publications & ArchivesKONNECT ASEAN Short Video Contest

Our Team

KONNECT ASEAN, an ASEAN-Korea arts programme, is administered by the ASEAN Foundation.

people1Benjamin Milton HampeProject Director
people2Barnev Theodore SoukottaProject Coordinator
people3Aulia RamadhinaProgramme Support Officer